Welcome to Books and Pictures!

These pages are about books and pictures – separate and combined, classical and modern, analog and digital, for looking and browsing, for reading more and for looking into detail, for discussing and becoming curious. I am an enthusiastic reader and looker, and occasionally try myself in photography and, sometimes, in writing. With a few clicks you find some of my works and thoughts via the menu in the upper part of the page:

Domum (lat. to home): Go back to this starting page.

Libri (lat. books): My presentations and thoughts about books, for example presenting my old books (Antiquarii) and recommendations (Commendationes).

Imagines (lat. pictures): My own portfolio of photos, as well as recommendations of other portfolios and works (Commendationes).

Novitates (lat. news): Actual news about Libri et Imagines, in the language actually in use (for changing the language, use the Lingua menu, please).

Lingua (lat. language): I try to keep Libri et Imagines up to date in german, english and french. If a page exists in another language, you can switch to its translation using this menu.

Impressum (lat. imprint): Legal notes for this website, disclosures, acknowledgements (mostly in german) and – a little bit about my person.

Enjoy – and don’t worry, I will not use latin words excessively…